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Obstetric Calculator week by week
How do you calculate obstetrics?
From my personal perspective, calculating obstetrics involves many individual calculations concerning pregnancy and childbirth. This can include estimating the date of conception, predicting the likely date of delivery, or determining the gestational age of a fetus. These calculations tend to rely heavily on the date of the last menstrual period, or in some cases, ultrasound measurements.
How do you calculate EDD in pregnancy?
During my time in the field, calculating the Estimated Due Date (EDD) in pregnancy has generally been done using the Naegele's rule. This involves taking the first day of the woman's last menstrual period, subtracting three months, and then adding seven days. However, an ultrasound can provide a more accurate EDD, particularly early in pregnancy.
How do you calculate weeks from weeks in pregnancy?
Calculating weeks in pregnancy is something I have done many times. It's relatively straightforward - we start from the woman's last menstrual period and calculate from there, considering every full week that has passed since. The pregnancy is generally 40 weeks long, but it's also normal for it to last anywhere from 37 to 42 weeks.
How do you calculate obstetric term?
Calculating the obstetric term involves determining how far along the pregnancy is in weeks. In my practice, I have mostly used the date of the woman's last menstrual period to calculate this. In cases where this date is unknown or uncertain, various ultrasound measurements can be used instead.
The Obstetric Calculator embraced by modern medicine is undeniably a very useful tool. In addition to being a convenient way to manage various calculations, it allows for more consistent and accurate results, and in turn, better patient care. It certainly makes the task of managing expectant mothers' health and their babies' development a lot easier.
What is Obstetric Calculator?
Obstetric Calculator is a medical app for Android OS that is in the field of obstetrics and obstetric. Due Date Calculator, Gestational Age, Estimated Fetal Weight and 10+ ObGyn tools. Alexander Snegirev created Obstetric Calculator to meet the need for Obstetrics apps in medicine. With an average rating of 4.4 out of 5 stars, its latest Obstetric Calculator apk is from Monday 16th of October 2023 and is available for free download here.
Obstetric Calculator description
The Obstetric Calculator app helps determine the age of pregnancy and estimated due date using different methods like the last menstrual period, ultrasound report, and ovulation/IVF. It also includes 10+ other useful tools for ObGyn professionals. These tools include estimating due date and gestational age based on various factors, assessing cervical health, estimating breast and cervical cancer risks, and more. Each tool comes with instructions. This app is designed for educational use by healthcare providers in Obstetrics & Gynecology.
Obstetric Calculator features
- Estimated due date (EDD) & Gestational Age by First Day of Last Menstrual Period (LMP)
- EDD & GA by Ultrasound Report
- EDD & GA by Conception Date
- EDD & GA by Fetal Movements
- EDD & GA from Given Date
- GA & LMP from Estimated Delivery Date
- GA by Crown-Rump Length (CRL)
- GA by Fetal Biometry
- Estimated Fetal Weight by Mother's Biometry
- Bishop Score (Quick Cervix Assessment)
- Probability of Successful Vaginal Birth after Cesarean Section (VBAC/TOLAC)
- Breast Cancer Risk Estimation (Gail Model)
- Cervical Cancer Risk Estimation (ASCCP 2020)
Download Obstetric Calculator
We at AndroidMedical test all the apps we list on this website, so we can guarantee that Obstetric Calculator is a safe app to install on your Android OS phone or tablet.