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What is Cara Care for IBS?
Cara Care for IBS is a medical app for Android OS that is in the field of digestive and diet. for irritable bowel syndrome, IBD and heartburn. Cara by HiDoc Technologies GmbH created Cara Care for IBS to meet the need for Digestive apps in medicine. With an average rating of 4.0 out of 5 stars, its latest Cara Care for IBS apk is from Wednesday 4th of October 2023 and is available for free download here.
Cara Care for IBS description
Cara Care for IBS is a software platform that offers personalized and holistic support for individuals with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It helps users understand the connections between their diet, well-being, and digestion. The app includes features such as a low-FODMAP diet, audio-guided hypnosis to relax the stomach and reduce stress, modules to learn about the condition and control emotions, and tracking tools to monitor symptoms, food intake, stress levels, sleep, exercise, and more. Users can also share their data with their doctor and export it as a file. The app is approved as a digital health application and can be reimbursed by German health insurance companies. It is suitable for individuals diagnosed with IBS and is not recommended for those under 18 or over 70 years old, or for pregnant women. The app is compatible with various smartphone operating systems and prioritizes data privacy by storing personal information on West-European servers.
Cara Care for IBS features
- Cara Care für Reizdarm
- Cara Care für CED (chronisch entzündliche Darmerkrankungen wie Morbus Crohn & Colitis Ulcerosa)
- Cara Care für Sodbrennen (Gastritis oder Duodenitis [Magenschleimhaut- oder Zwölffingerdarmentzündung]; gastroösophageale Refluxkrankheit [Sodbrennen, Reflux]; funktionelle Dyspepsie [Reizmagen])
- Für Personen mit einem ärztlich diagnostizierten Reizdarmsyndrom
- Alter unter 18 oder über 70
- Schwangerschaft
- Starte die Low-FODMAP-Diät, welche laut Studien zur Symptomlinderung und Steigerung der Lebensqualität führen kann
- Entspanne deinen Bauch durch audio-geführte Hypnose & baue Stress ab
- Lerne was dir gut tut im Modul zur Kontrolle von Emotionen, Kognitionen & Verhalten
- Erfahre mehr über die Erkrankung im Modul Basiswissen
- Unser Kundensupport steht dir immer bei technischen Fragen zur Verfügung.
- Tracke deine Ernährung & Wohlbefinden im Symptom- & Ernährungstagebuch
- Füge persönliche Notizen hinzu
- Finde heraus, welches Essen du gut verträgst und welches nicht
- Erkenne Zusammenhänge zwischen Ernährung, Bewegung, Stress & Symptomen
Download Cara Care for IBS
We at AndroidMedical test all the apps we list on this website, so we can guarantee that Cara Care for IBS is a safe app to install on your Android OS phone or tablet.