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What is Talli Baby?
Talli Baby is a medical app for Android OS that is in the field of tracker and sleep. Infant Feed Sleep & Diaper Log. Babylogger, LLC created Talli Baby to meet the need for Tracker apps in medicine. With an average rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars, its latest Talli Baby apk is from Wednesday 4th of October 2023 and is available for free download here.
Talli Baby description
Talli Baby Tracker is an Android app that helps parents keep track of their infants' feeding, diaper changes, and sleep schedule. It is customizable to fit the specific needs of each family and allows for easy sharing of information with family members, caregivers, and healthcare providers. The app features timers for nursing, pumping, and bottle feedings, as well as the ability to track solid food introduction. It also allows parents to track wet, dirty, and mixed diapers, ensuring they stay ahead of any potential concerns. The sleep schedule feature helps establish a healthy sleep routine, and the app allows for the logging of milestones and journal entries. Data can be exported and shared, and the app also offers a one-touch hardware device for logging events with a single button press. Overall, Talli Baby Tracker is a convenient and flexible app for parents to monitor their baby's needs and development.
Talli Baby features
- Track only the things you need. Not feeding solid food yet? Change that button to track bath time! Or Vitamin D drops.
- Not breastfeeding or pumping anymore? Change those buttons to track medications or phototherapy.
- Special medical needs? (Feeding tube, breathing treatments, etc.) Talli Baby can be configured to track exactly what you need.
- Track solid food introduction, potty training, even daily chores as your child grows into a toddler and even a big kid!
- If there's something you want to track, and you don't see an icon for it, let us know and we'll add one!
- Start and stop nursing / breastfeeding timers by side and by full nursing session
- Start and stop pumping timers by side or both sides at once
- Track amount pumped by side and by full pumping session
- Log bottle feedings with specific contents (formula, breastmilk, etc.)
- Default settings for bottles so if you typically feed the same contents and amount, the app will prepopulate those for new bottle feedings.
- Solid food tracker
- Add notes to any feeding event to capture formula brand, preferences, allergic reactions, etc.
- Track wet diapers, dirty diapers, and mixed diapers
- Stay ahead of potential concerns like dehydration, constipation, and other digestive issues
- Share info on bowel and urination habits with doctors and other caregivers
Download Talli Baby
We at AndroidMedical test all the apps we list on this website, so we can guarantee that Talli Baby is a safe app to install on your Android OS phone or tablet.