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What is C.S.I. Checklist?
C.S.I. Checklist is a medical app for Android OS that is in the field of forensic and . C.S.I. Checklist™ is a product of ForensIQ, Inc.. Bluestone Apps created C.S.I. Checklist to meet the need for Forensic apps in medicine. With an average rating of 4.0 out of 5 stars, its latest C.S.I. Checklist apk is from Wednesday 1st of November 2023 and is available for free download here.
C.S.I. Checklist description
C.S.I. Checklist™ is an Android app created by ForensIQ, Inc. to assist criminal investigation professionals in the field. It is a quick reference guide in a checklist format that can be accessed on mobile devices. The app was developed by Thomas P. Mauriello, a university professor and former investigator, who used his extensive experience to create a tool that encompasses all the necessary standards and procedures for a successful investigation. The checklists provided in the app are recognized by the United States Department of Justice and cover various aspects of crime scene investigation. This app is useful for first responders, such as police officers, investigators, and forensic scientists, as well as for prosecutors and defense attorneys. It includes ten separate checklists that cover preliminary investigation, crime scene procedures, crimes against persons, theft, burglary, robbery, arson, explosion and bombing scenes, electronic crime scenes, and forensic science resources. In addition to being a procedural tool, it also serves as a quality control tool, allowing activities to be shared with supervisors or team members for accurate reporting.
C.S.I. Checklist features
- Preliminary Investigation – Initial Response, Support personnel, and documentation.
- Crime Scene (CS) Procedures – Protection, Assessment, Evidence collection, documentation.
- Crimes Against Person Procedures – Death Investigation, Sex Assaults.
- Theft and Related Offenses – Theft related property crimes with elements of proof.
- Burglary as a Property Crime – Elements of proof, types, and investigative procedures for burglary theft.
- Robbery (As a crime against persons and property) – Elements of proof, types, the robbery suspect, and interviewing procedures.
- Arson Scenes – First responder actions, evaluating the scene, and processing evidence.
- Explosion and Bombing Scene Investigation –The first responder, the investigator, evidence processing and documenting the scene.
- Electronic Crime Scene and Digital Evidence – handling computer systems as evidence, categories of devices and data collection, and related crimes.
- Forensic Science Resources – When and how to use the forensic resources for anthropology, botany, entomology and locksmithing, and question document handling.
Download C.S.I. Checklist
We at AndroidMedical test all the apps we list on this website, so we can guarantee that C.S.I. Checklist is a safe app to install on your Android OS phone or tablet.